HB 0131 (Truly Agreed) Revises provisions for the local government employees retirement system
Current Bill Summary
- Prepared by Senate Research -

HCS/HB 131 - This act makes revisions to the Local Government Employees Retirement System (LAGERS). All lawsuits against LAGERS must be brought in the Circuit Court of Cole County.

If a former member of the retirement system becomes re-employed within a period of 10 years from the date of last membership, the member's credited service which was forfeited will be restored.

Full-time students entitled to benefits under LAGERS who are called to military duty shall have their benefits suspended during the period of military duty. Such benefits shall be reinstated upon a return to school in which case the student's eligibility for benefits will be extended by the number of months of miliary duty but not to exceed age 25.

Currently members who receive disability benefits from LAGERS have any workers' compensation benefits or pay from gainful employment deducted from the disability amount. The act repeals this provision and allows full disability benefits to those workers also receiving workers' compensation.

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